Selamat siang agan agan, kali ini mimin akan membagikan sebuah software yang sangat penting di tanam di PC anda, yap seperti anda ketahui yaitu software anti virus. Anti virus yang saya bagikan untuk kali ini adalah AVAST Premier. langsung saja disimak kesimpulannya.
Automatic software updates
Hackers love to exploit old software. It’s the weakest link
in most people’s security. Avast Premier automates software updating so
you don’t have to think about it.
Putting you a few steps ahead
Looking for the ultimate? You're in the right place. In
addition to all the features of Internet Security, you are getting
advanced security measures keeping your PCs and network even safer.
Permanently delete old files
Military-grade shredding deletes old or sensitive information so no one can recover it.
Bank in a SafeZone
SafeZone isolates your financial transactions so no one can access them but you.
Stay safe behind a firewall
Use our sophisticated personal firewall to shield your operating system, software, and hardware from hackers.
Yes, your PC can run it
If your PC can run the full version of Windows 8.1, it can run Premier. Period. But if you’re buying it for someone else, you may still want to check the system requirements.
There’s security in numbers
More people around the world trust Avast for their security than any
other company. That means better security for all of us. The reason is
simple: We see and react to more data from more users, so we can make
your protection better.
220+ million customers
186 countries
43 languages
Anda bisa langsung unduh avastnya di bawah ini.

Dan anda bisa download cracknya di bawah ini

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